boathire @

We work hard to reply to emails and answerphone messages in less than 12 hours

Phone   07706  734763            Office Landline    01223  969619

We try to answer the phone between 8am and 8pm  

If you don’t get through, leave us a message so we can call you back

 – just remember to add your phone number to the message . . . !

Alternatively use this form below.  

Fill in either an email address and/or a phone number, and check it is accurate before you use the ‘send’ button at the bottom

Fill in both first name and surname
Fill in either email and/or phone contact details - making sure they are correct
Landline and/or mobile. Numeric
Before you click 'SEND' have you doubled checked your reply contact information (email/phone) is correct?

For information requests and booking please only contact us via email/phone or the contact form above.  

We are unable to monitor social media 24/7